High Risk Pregnancy
Fetal Health Evaluation
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss or Miscarriage
Incompetent Cervix & Cerclag
Placenta Previa and Bleeding
Fetal 3D Viewing
Genetic Screening
CVS, Amniocentesis, Nuchal Translucency
Natural Vaginal Birth
Pre-term Labor and Delivery
Prenatal Care
You can receive prenatal visits for up to 9 weeks or 9 months. You will also have a choice of private delivery, lamaze classes, or private nurseries. The doctors will monitor the growth and health of the fetus through ultrasounds and checking the fetal heart rate. In some cases, especially high-risk pregnancies, we offer genetic testing and testing of the amniotic fluid. The doctors also check the mother's health by monitoring blood work, blood pressure and heart rate, and weight gain.
Birth and Labor
We deliver babies and perform other birth-related duties as needed, such as inducing labor, performing Cesarean section births and performing emergency surgery when needed. We monitor the mother and the baby throughout childbirth, and oversees the administration of medications. We will be alert to the patient and baby's conditions during childbirth and respond to changes. For example, the doctors will take appropriate action if the mother is bleeding uncontrollably, if the baby is not positioned correctly for birth or if the baby is not breathing at birth.
Lamaze Classes
During your Lamaze class you will learn about, stages of labor, planning labor, how to breastfeed, and Lamaze breathing.
We will want to see you four to six weeks after you give birth to check on your physical recovery from pregnancy and delivery, see how you're doing emotionally, and address your needs going forward.
3D / 4D Ultrasound
3D and 4D ultrasound exams allow you to see your unborn baby in even more depth and detail than a standard 2D ultrasound. You will receive 1 or 2 ultrasound pictures depending upon the package you choose.
The following diagnoses may require a high risk assessment and a referral to our High Risk Clinician:
Previous low birth weight infant
Pre‐pregnancy BMI <18.5
Autoimmune disorder (lupus, colitis, etc)
Substance use
Intrauterine growth restriction
Inadequate weight gain Hgb <10 gm or Hct < 30%
Multiple fetuses
Medications, Herbal supplement use
Maternal age 16 or younger
Pre‐pregnancy overweight
Excessive weight gain
Metabolic Disorders (diabetes, PKU, thyroid dysfunction, etc)
Chronic Infection (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, etc)
Chronic Medical Disease (inflammatory bowel, hyperlipidemia, liver disease, renal disease, heart disease, hypertension, malabsorption symdromes)
We are proud to offer a unique blend of expertise and patient-centered care for women in all stages of life and health.
Additional services we provide include:
STD Screening
Drug Testing
Paternity Testing
External Services Inhouse:
Mommy Appreciation Package which includes:
A Full Body Massage,
Hands, Nails and Feet